Sunday, March 13, 2011

Midterm over

It's scary to think that we are already half way through this class. It seems like the time has flied right a long. I mean the snow is starting to melt spring may actually be coming unless we get another storm like we did on Monday that practicably shut everything down. Now moving on in the class there is a lot more we are going to learn and I can't wait to see what else lays a head.
But what a relief to have the midterm finished and posted. As I am sure like everyone else Sundays I am busily trying to ensure I have completed all the required homework while chasing a three year old boy around the house.
It only took me have of the class to figure out that I can read others posts on my smart phone I just haven't figured out how to reply. I am sure I can't but it would be nice to be able too.
I hope that everyone in this class is learning as much as I am.

1 comment:

  1. We are now looking at the last few weeks of class. I hope your learning is continuing!
    Keep up the good work.
    I enjoy reading your blog.
